With customers located in all 5 continents, we have delivered some of the most advanced and disruptive software solutions around the globe.
Committed to excellence
We take ownership of our actions, and we’re proud of everything we do! We put the utmost care into our work, always delivering the best solution for our clients, with the highest quality standards and within the expected time frames.
Driven by change & new challenges
We welcome change as we believe it’s crucial for our growth. We face it with an open, creative, and team-focused mindset. We believe change is a never-ending, interactive process that involves identifying areas for improvement, applying a solution, measuring the results, and repeating.
Honest & have integrity
We believe in doing the right thing and always doing what’s best for our customers and our team. We are transparent, empathic, and respectful when sharing our knowledge, ideas, and opinions because we believe it leads to the best possible outcomes.
Team players
We know that we are stronger together and able to achieve more as a team. We believe in collaboration and helping each other rather than competing. We embrace diversity and value all different ideas, as it helps us to achieve better results.
We love asking why. We’re always on the hunt for new ways to innovate, learn from others, and apply our new knowledge to our projects. Technology is constantly evolving and so are we through our continual training.
A fun team
We work hard, but we also love to have fun together! We believe in building meaningful relationships with each other and we celebrate wins as a “family”. We always take the time to enjoy this adventure we’re on together!
Work from anywhere!
Our people can decide to work from home or come to the office: we leave it up to each employee to decide. Our offices in the Barcelona 22@ innovation district and in downtown Mexico City are open to everyone who wants to come!
Diverse & Inclusive workplace
We are a multicultural team of 100+ innovators from all over the world: we have over 20 different nationalities. We don’t believe in job titles or oversized egos, but in people. We’re a flat organization where everyone matters. Feel free to come as you are.
Flexible Hours
Work-life balance always comes first! Choose your own start time. Enjoy special Fridays all year long while having every other Friday off and dive into the Summer Schedule from July to August.
Physical & Mental Health
Health is our most precious asset. We offer medical insurance and 1:1 online sessions with Psychologists & licensed Coaches. We also organize workshops about Mindfulness, Stress Management, or Emotional Intelligence.
Birthday Off
We always take off work on our birthday! We feel that your birthday is the one day out of the year you owe yourself some rest and fun, and should spend the day as you please.
Gym Membership
We want to keep our people healthy & happy! We’ve partnered with the best gym clubs and we will contribute to your monthly fee.
Career path & continuous Learning
We pursue professional and personal growth through a continuous learning mindset, having your own training budget. Moreover, whatever your position is, we have a plan to progressively advance you to a higher level!
Seniority Program
We appreciate the dedication of long-standing team members with the Seniority Recognition Program, reinforcing a supportive and rewarding workplace culture.
Social Events & Volunteering
No matter which corner of the world you are in, our Social Committee has it all set for you: Join our fun contests, online escape rooms, and take part in our great volunteering initiatives. We have a dedicated budget just for this!
At Nuvolar, our mission is to make technology available to people and contribute to the development of society as a whole. We love creating our own challenges to achieve great environmental and social impact, and getting our entire team involved!
Javier Madrid, Spain
Ecem Nicosia, Cyprus
Nasim Gaza, Palestine
Paula San Diego, USA
Sergio Barcelona, Spain
Félix Paris, France
Beatriz Madrid, Spain
Isabel Madrid, Spain
Andrea L’Ametlla del Vallès, Spain
Oriol Tordera, Spain
Réka Békéscsaba, Hungary
Angel Cangas, Spain
Victor Zamora, Spain
Andrea Ģyőr, Hungary
Favour Abuja, Nigeria
Guillermo Valencia, Spain
Bogna Gdańsk, Poland
Judith Toledo, Spain
Juan Andalucía, Spain
Amy Salt Lake City, USA
Javi Barcelona, Spain
Núria Masnou, Spain
George Encarnacion, Paraguay
Mikel Urduliz, Spain
Saúl Zaragoza, Spain
Lucía Orense, Spain
Carmen Plasencia, Spain
Mar Madrid, Spain
Javier Canarias, Spain
Natalia Barcelona, Spain
Alex Madrid, Spain
Elisa Barcelona, Spain
Aleks Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Guillermo Montevideo, Uruguay
Sara Barcelona, Spain
Jose Getafe, Spain
Javier Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
Kevin Barcelona, Spain
Xabin Zestoa, Spain
Nedim Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Carlos Madrid, Spain
Bea Salamanca, Spain
Alex Sant Feliu de Codines, Spain
Berta Barcelona, Spain
Samuel Muriedas, Spain
Giulia Nuoro, Italy
Andrea Castelldefels, Spain
Erta Corovoda, Albania
Karolina Panevėžys, Lithuania
Andrea Gijón, Spain
Marc Barcelona, Spain
Tomaž Ljubljana, Slovenia
Alessio Verona, Italy
Josu Algorta, Spain
Markéta Prague, Czech Republic
Pau Terrassa, Spain
Javi Toledo, Spain
Alina Bucharest, Romania
Santi Calella, Spain
Juan Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Vlad Iași, România
Juanma Granada, Spain
Mireia Barcelona, Spain
Alberto Granada, Spain
Armen Yerevan, Armenia
Erik Čenkovce, Slovakia
Alex Bucharest, Romania
Manuel Jaén, Spain
Eli Roda de Ter, Spain
Julio Lima, Peru
Dejvis Tirana, Albania
Juan Zaragoza, Spain
Marc-Anthony Montreal, Canada
Nacho Barcelona, Spain
Daniel Grazalema, Spain
Belén Palma, Spain
Fran Barcelona, Spain
Mònica Barcelona, Spain
Magda Poznan, Poland
Vice Split, Croatia
Rafa La Habana, Cuba
Elena Cordoba, Spain
Bruno Ourense, Spain
Antonio Almería, Spain
Bojan Novi Sad, Serbia
Dess Barcelona, Spain
Anna Barcelona, Spain
David Abuja, Nigeria
Maria Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia
Gerard Tarragona, Spain
Iván Barcelona, Spain
David Caracas, Venezuela
Marcos Zaragoza, Spain
Felipe Medellin, Colombia
Paula Barcelona, Spain
Jonathan Igualada, Spain
Marc Barcelona, Spain
Adriana Seattle, USA
Alejandro Guadalajara, Mexico
Alex Lorient, France
Pere Barcelona, Spain
Elena Córdoba, Spain
Claudia Arenys de Mar, Spain
Jesús Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain
Liviu Cluj-Napoca, România
Marta Madrid, Spain
Albert Barcelona, Spain
Victor Barcelona, Spain
Sebastian Buenos Aires, Argentina
Albert Montcada i Reixac, Spain
JavierMadrid, Spain
EcemNicosia, Cyprus
NasimGaza, Palestine
PaulaSan Diego, USA
SergioBarcelona, Spain
FélixParis, France
BeatrizMadrid, Spain
IsabelMadrid, Spain
AndreaL’Ametlla del Vallès, Spain
OriolTordera, Spain
RékaBékéscsaba, Hungary
AngelCangas, Spain
VictorZamora, Spain
AndreaĢyőr, Hungary
FavourAbuja, Nigeria
GuillermoValencia, Spain
BognaGdańsk, Poland
JudithToledo, Spain
JuanAndalucía, Spain
AmySalt Lake City, USA
JaviBarcelona, Spain
NúriaMasnou, Spain
GeorgeEncarnacion, Paraguay
MikelUrduliz, Spain
SaúlZaragoza, Spain
LucíaOrense, Spain
CarmenPlasencia, Spain
MarMadrid, Spain
JavierCanarias, Spain
NataliaBarcelona, Spain
AlexMadrid, Spain
ElisaBarcelona, Spain
AleksYoshkar-Ola, Russia
GuillermoMontevideo, Uruguay
SaraBarcelona, Spain
JoseGetafe, Spain
JavierVitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
KevinBarcelona, Spain
XabinZestoa, Spain
NedimSarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
CarlosMadrid, Spain
BeaSalamanca, Spain
AlexSant Feliu de Codines, Spain
BertaBarcelona, Spain
SamuelMuriedas, Spain
GiuliaNuoro, Italy
AndreaCastelldefels, Spain
ErtaCorovoda, Albania
KarolinaPanevėžys, Lithuania
AndreaGijón, Spain
MarcBarcelona, Spain
TomažLjubljana, Slovenia
AlessioVerona, Italy
JosuAlgorta, Spain
MarkétaPrague, Czech Republic
PauTerrassa, Spain
JaviToledo, Spain
AlinaBucharest, Romania
SantiCalella, Spain
JuanCastilla-La Mancha, Spain
VladIași, România
JuanmaGranada, Spain
MireiaBarcelona, Spain
AlbertoGranada, Spain
ArmenYerevan, Armenia
ErikČenkovce, Slovakia
AlexBucharest, Romania
ManuelJaén, Spain
EliRoda de Ter, Spain
JulioLima, Peru
DejvisTirana, Albania
JuanZaragoza, Spain
Marc-AnthonyMontreal, Canada
NachoBarcelona, Spain
DanielGrazalema, Spain
BelénPalma, Spain
FranBarcelona, Spain
MònicaBarcelona, Spain
MagdaPoznan, Poland
ViceSplit, Croatia
RafaLa Habana, Cuba
ElenaCordoba, Spain
BrunoOurense, Spain
AntonioAlmería, Spain
BojanNovi Sad, Serbia
DessBarcelona, Spain
AnnaBarcelona, Spain
DavidAbuja, Nigeria
MariaLiptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia
GerardTarragona, Spain
IvánBarcelona, Spain
DavidCaracas, Venezuela
MarcosZaragoza, Spain
FelipeMedellin, Colombia
PaulaBarcelona, Spain
JonathanIgualada, Spain
MarcBarcelona, Spain
AdrianaSeattle, USA
AlejandroGuadalajara, Mexico
AlexLorient, France
PereBarcelona, Spain
ElenaCórdoba, Spain
ClaudiaArenys de Mar, Spain
JesúsVilanova i la Geltrú, Spain
LiviuCluj-Napoca, România
MartaMadrid, Spain
AlbertBarcelona, Spain
VictorBarcelona, Spain
SebastianBuenos Aires, Argentina
AlbertMontcada i Reixac, Spain
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95% of our employees agree that this is an excellent place to work! We’re always on the hunt for talented people to join our diverse, fast-growing team! Browse our open positions and build your career with us.